Whittingham Public Affairs Advisors provides public affairs and advocacy, strategic guidance and uniquely tailored communications services to both public and private sector clients. Our services within each sector include the following:
- Commercial, industrial or residential (market rate and affordable) real estate developers
- National chains seeking to develop new stores and/or redevelop existing locations
- Public agencies
- Special districts (e.g. water districts)
- Businesses with a product or service with public sector applications
- Companies or entities with regulatory compliance issues
- Trade associations
- Cities and municipalities
- Independent energy providers
Commercial, industrial or residential (market rate and affordable) real estate developers
- Assistance navigating through the entitlement process
- Outreach to elected officials and city or county management staff
- Unique expertise with zone changes & General Plan Amendment processes
National chains seeking to develop new stores and/or redevelop existing locations
- Site development analyses
- Entitlement facilitation and expediting
- Permit expediting
Public agencies/special districts/cities & municipalities
- Strategic guidance
- Assistance with community outreach
- Assistance with outreach to other public agencies
Businesses with a product or service with public sector applications
- Facilitate meetings with decision makers
- Assist with responses to competitive procurements/requests for proposals (RFPs)
- Analyze opportunities and develop matrices to maximize resource allocation and prioritization
Companies or entities with regulatory compliance issues
- Strategic guidance
- Crisis communications
- Outreach to decision-makers at SCAQMD, Regional Water Quality Control Board, etc.
Trade associations
- Advocating on behalf of association goals
- Coordinating association public affairs and advocacy efforts
- Development of unified goals, objectives and talking points
Independent energy providers
- Entitlement facilitation
- Communications and public messaging guidance
- Outreach to key elected and appointed officials

Public Affairs and Advocacy
WPAA delivers more than 30 years of experience and success in championing and advocating on behalf of projects that benefit communities and serve the residents and business owners within those communities. We believe in our clients and their projects, which is absolutely essential to successfully creating the rapport and trust necessary to build support with elected officials, key decision-makers and stakeholders and the general public.
Strategic Guidance
Many WPAA clients call on our decades of experience and unique insights to guide them and navigate through various scenarios to avoid controversies and maximize resource allocation. Peter Whittingham is accessible and responsive to all of his clients, is focused 100% on quantifiable results, and is dedicated to making the process successful for his clients.
Communications Services
Whittingham Public Affairs Advisors creates a unique and issue-appropriate communications plan to support the overarching strategy established for a project or initiative. Such a comprehensive communications strategy will address a variety of situations and potential circumstances, as well as identifying the ultimate goal(s) and objectives for a given project.
Take the next step…
Let’s have a conversation about your project. We look forward to meeting you and learning about your business or organization and your project.